Election, election, election. One of the greatest reasons to stop watching television.
But, I do have some comments and observations that I would like to pass along:
1) “of the people, by the people and for the people”. A familiar phrase? It seems some politicians in both parties have forgotten.
2) “Best for my constituency”. In my humble opinion, that flew out the window years ago and was replaced by: a) best for me, b) best for my bank account, c) best for my party.
3) “Vote the party line.” Some (not all) voters vote the straight party line. It makes me wonder if those voters did any candidate research or comparison. Maybe it turns out that straight party line is best because the research turned out that way. As long as the voter has made informed decisions.
4) The saddest of all is the decision not to vote at all. “My one vote won’t count anyway.” That attitude has the threat of severely affecting elections. Of course, if the laws of your state make it difficult to vote, then the votes of others who can change that are vital, encourage them.
So, if election day hasn’t arrived yet – get out there and VOTE.
If election day has already passed when you read this then please make it a priority to support the elected officials whether your preferred candidate or not. Write them, call them, let your voice be heard. It is within your power to make a difference.
WOW, off the soapbox now. Come on back to the blog in a couple of weeks and we will have a lighter discussion.