I am going to write at least one letter per month to a senator and/or representative to let my feelings about certain issues be known. The last time I dedicated some time and effort to that, I got replies in the mail. Of course, they were form letters (those are easy to spot) and of course they had nothing to do with the issue I wrote about. But, I believe it is worth my time to try again and see what the outcome will be this time.
Meanwhile, the upcoming changes in D.C. lead me to believe I should be more involved in politics. I try to stay informed but find real confusion regarding some of the decisions and statements made by our representatives and senators. I need some facts to back up my positions on several issues and would hope they do as well. I read about Senate Investigations often. {No wonder the members have little time for actual government business. Their time between recesses and “fact finding missions” is often spent on hearings.}
I thought those concerns could be combined – the hearings/investigations and my interest in issues. I’ve never really gotten the feeling that much is accomplished by these investigations. Many appear to be little more than self-serving ego strokes. But, if they are important enough to engage the members, then I would like to call for a hearing.
Yes, since those people work for us (so they say), I would like to call a hearing. There are several topics I would like to explore. However, there would be a slight difference in format. I would ask the questions and they would be required to answer – under oath.
Just a few examples:
1) What makes you believe that tax relief for the top earners will lead to job creation? Do you have examples to illustrate this? Do you know anything about how well this worked in Kansas?
2) How does gay marriage threaten heterosexual marriage? Specific examples please.
3) Why do you oppose Health Care for families and single citizens who are poor, unemployed or underemployed while feeling you are deserving of it?
4) What is your justification for making the process of voting so difficult for large numbers of people? Can you prove widespread voter fraud?
5) You often seem concerned with “The Gay Agenda”. What does this ‘agenda’ consist of? If you don’t know, why do you “oppose” it? If you do know, where does your knowledge come from?
6) Why are you interested in people’s bedroom habits and personal choices? If they are not imposing their beliefs on you what gives you the right to impose yours on them?
7) When people’s earnings are automatically paid into a government retirement plan (Social Security) and health care (Medicare) and these earners have faithfully contributed for their entire working life, what is your justification for reducing payouts? Since these funds were supposed to be in a ‘trust’ which has been raided repeatedly, why are you not required to replenish the trust?
8) Are your retirement payouts subject to deductions as are Social Security payouts? Are your retirement funds in a trust? Has it been raided to meet other spending bills you have passed?
9) Why are you allowed to vote to increase your own salary while voting to deny others the right to earn a living wage?
10) Do you have an understanding of your role in government or do you need reminders that you are serving at the will of the people? Do you recognize that you are entrusted to make decisions that recognize all your constituents, not only the big money factions that elected you?
So many more questions come to mind but, these might be a practical place to start. I will ask my senators for a hearing when I write – can you join me in this endeavor?