As the new year approached you may have received anywhere from one to one dozen calendars from various businesses. You may have received a calendar as a gift. While calendars are handy I find I can usually keep track of the season, year, month, day, and perhaps even the time of day, by watching ads and programming on television.
What season is it? For the most part, I can pretty well guess by whatever sport is being broadcast. If it’s early in the baseball season, must be spring. Mid-season baseball means summer and as the World Series approaches you can count on it being fall. Three seasons easily identified by baseball. The football season starts before baseball is finished so there is some overlap. But, as the football season gets well underway I know we are moving into winter. The Super Bowl is a winter event and by Super Bowl time basketball is moving rapidly to its championships as well. What do you know, another overlap. Basketball is waning, baseball has started and we are back to spring. Not to discount the timeliness of soccer, racing, croquet, badminton, beach volleyball, ping pong, archery, and all those other exciting sports left unnamed but, the seasons have been clearly defined for me by the three initially mentioned.
But, what month is it? Well, again, I can often name the month by just watching commercials. I rely on sports for most months as well as seasons but also recognize commercials. Inane perfume ads fill the days before Christmas. Automobile ads follow in January along with vacation and hotels ads and what seems like millions of ads for new drugs. Whether or not you are sick, please “. . .ask your doctor if ^&#$ is right for you.” Each month has a major product offered just as each has a named flower, gemstone.
But, what day is it? Again, I simply turn on the TV and the majority of programming lets me know. College games? Must be Saturday. Pro sports afternoon games? Probably Sunday. Mid-week? Usually no sports but just look at the weather report, it will tell you what happened yesterday and if you know what day of the week yesterday was you will know today and tomorrow.
What time is it? Early morning, so-called news shows present me with a chance to catch some celebrity touting his/her latest movie, a book signing, a concert, etc. A little later in the morning I often find some locally produced time fillers, children’s programming or game shows . Much of the rest of the day is filled with various judges handing out final decisions to people who don’t seem to mind looking foolish in front of millions of viewers. Then, as late afternoon approaches, it’s time for the lawyers to tell you why you might be owed large sums of money for some injury you may have suffered. Then, as the dinner hour approaches the focus seems to be on personal issues of hygiene, disfunction, personal cleanliness, etc. I’m sure I needn’t elaborate on the products represented.
These observations work for me. However, if you must absolutely have a more precise determination of the season, year, month, day and hour – just check your cell phone.
CAVEAT: Methods mentioned above will be nullified in 2016 as it is an election year. I will probably avoid as much television as I can. I am not a fan of politicians and their ads. In my mind the majority appear to believe their suitability for the jobs they seek is best evidenced by demeaning their opponents. And I could happily live the rest of my life without the overworked phrase: ‘I have a plan to remedy the problem of *#*&@. (I’ll be happy to explain it after I am elected.)” Is that really having our country’s best interests at heart?